Tegernsee half marathon training. Or: why do I keep doing this to myself?

When I first started working out, I was all about running. During my time in New York, I ran almost every day and raced about once a month.

I competed in pretty much all distances I could find: starting out with the classical 5k, moving on to 10k and eventually the half marathon. And every distance in between. In 2012, I participated in the NYRR’s 9+1 program to then run the ING NYC Marathon in 2013. I’ve since also run the Munich marathon and was scheduled to run the Maratona di Roma in 2016 (my hospital stay made me have to reschedule for 2017).

These days, I mostly CrossFit. I’m no longer much of a runner, basically only running if I have to. 😉 But what’s stuck with me is that I’m still more of an endurance athlete. You’ll never hear me say that Fran (21 – 15 – 9 thrusters and pull-ups, making you want to die in under 10 minutes) is fun. I’d rather do Whitten (5 RFT of 22 kb swings, 22 box jumps, 400m run, 22 burpees and 22 wallballs in about 50 minutes) any day.

The same applies though for the rare occasion that I still run: to me 5ks that you run so fast you want to puke are a lot worse than a half or full marathon at a nice, steady pace. The thing with running is that I enjoy racing. Not racing racing (again with the so fast you’re gonna be sick – nope, not me), but I truly enjoy the excitement and everything around a big race. So occasionally, I still do.

So far so good. If only it weren’t for the preparation and the fact that if you go distance, you better also train. There’s your catch right there. I love the race, I hate the 16 week training cycle with all the time you have to invest.

In a moment of insanity, I signed up for the 2016 Tegernsee half marathon. I was at the clinic, had just realized that running Rome in 2016 was not going to happen, but I wanted a race for 2016. I ran the Tegernsee half in 2015 and found it both challenging and incredibly scenic.


Pre-race selfie.


Beautiful mountains. Unfortunately, it was cold and rainy in 2015. I’m hoping for better weather in 2016.


The course takes you around the lake once.

I’m meant to be in the middle of a training cycle, utilizing the FIRST method, which I’ve already used to prepare for both of my completed marathons as well as several halfs. What I like about FIRST is that you can train to complete the distance (at a decent time too if only you are more ambitious than me) without having to complete sacrifice your other training. Hence, CrossFit.

But while I know I should run more and crossfit less, I just cannot bring myself to do it. I basically only do my long run on the weekends and skip the intervals and tempo runs during the week. Not ideal. I crossfit and get plenty of training. Cardio too, but it’s not the same.

I’ve given up any hopes for a PR on the half, partly because I’ve come to realize that I currently lack some basic endurance and would have had to jump back into running sooner to build the base back up. So for now, I’m treating the Tegernsee half marathon in September as my base building phase for the 2017 Rome marathon (which is in April).

Last weekend’s run of 19.5 kms was gruesome and slow and everything hurt afterward (might’ve also been the 75 front squats the day before, I don’t know). At least I still have about 2 months to get myself at least somewhat comfortable with the additional two kms to finish. Whatever the time.